Friday 18 January 2013

Goodbye, 2012

I apologize for the lack of posts recently. I haven't felt like wearing lolita in a long while. Somehow whenever I try to put an outfit together, it feels wrong, overdone. Uncreative.

Living in Japan, the birthplace of lolita, made me realize that this fashion is really something different than I imagined. I thought it was an innovative mix of epochs, and approximation of different cultures, all put together to create something new. Something that breaks barriers by creating a new quality. But how can it be so, if the people who wear this fashion and make up this scene, don't even realize where the elements of their style come from? Isn't lolita heavily inspired by historical fashion? "This is cute, and that is cute! Let's put it together to make it even cuter!" That seems to be the only rule here. I feel that not enough people care about the roots, good design, creativity.

I'm not leaving lolita, but I'm not going to force myself to wear it if I don't feel good in it. For now I think I'll stick to a more casual rock style.

This is my last lolita outfit post for now. I hope to post more everyday outfits soon.

Also, here are some photos from Christmas Eve. I need some outfit shots in this dress, but these will have to do for now.


kinoko said...

Szkoda, że odsuwasz lolitę. Niemniej jednak, mam nadzieję, że znajdziesz styl, który będzie Ci w pełni odpowiadał i będziesz się w nim dobrze czuć :D

Shane S. said...

I really like your hair and outfit! :3

Unknown said...

lovely indeed <3

Eveline Raspberry testuje said...

Ślicznie jest 😍😍😍 ciekawy styl

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